Hello there,
Here I am today, so excited to finally start the Sparklers adventure with the amazing Spiegelmomscraps Creative Team. To be honest, I can't wait to get started even if I'm a bit impressed to be among a bunch of such talented ladies. And to tell you the truth, it is also super motivating!You've just discovered Sheryl Banares , now let me briefly introduce myself. I'm Christine, 48, married with 2 kids.
Bonjour à tous,
Ravie de démarrer l'aventure avec l'équipe talentueuse des Sparklers. Vous venez de découvrir l'univers de Sheryl Banares , c'est maintenant à mon tour de me présenter grâce à la page que j'avais envoyée pour l'appel à DT. Une page sans photo, mais dont le journaling, très personnel,et qui raconte ma relation au scrap. (Page déjà publiée sur ce blog)
Today, I'm sharing with you the page I sent for the DT call. It's a page I had just made for one of my former DT, using Maggie Holmes Chasing Dreams Collection.
But I thought it was totally appropriate for the DT call since it was a photoless page, with a huge journaling which explains why I apply for some DTs and what scrapbooking means for me.
I think this is one of my most personal page, that's why I decided to write the journaling in English, as if to "protect" it, since English is not my native language. Indeed, by reading the journaling, you learn a lot about me. So I'm using it again here today to tell you more about me....
It also quite represents my "style", which can be qualified as rather clean and simple, with a slight touch of ink, paint and paste. I love embellishments and recently discovered sequins...and I'm now slowly, but surely using them in every single one of my "creations"...
J'ai récemment décidé d'incorporer des sequins à mes créations, alors vous imaginez ma joie lorsque j'ai découvert mon colis de chez Spieglemom Scraps. Je ne pouvais garder un tel bonheur pour moi, je vous ai donc concocté une petite vidéo...
So you can easily imagined how thrilled I was when I discovered my very first Spiegelmom Scraps products.... I couldn't keeping its magic all by myself, so here is a video to show you the products I'm going to work with.... Aren't they terrific?
Je vous donne donc rendez-vous sur le blog de Spiegelmom Scraps le vendredi, pour des Scrappy Fridays endiablés où je me laisserai guider par mon inspiration du moment.... N'hésitez pas à me laisser des commentaires, me faire part de vos remarques ou suggestions, je me nourris de nos échanges....
As part of the Sparklers Design Team, I will meet you on the blog for Scrappy Fridays. I can't tell you what they will feature for sure.... It might be pages, home decoration inspirations, cards, challenges....Who knows? It will depend on my inspiration and yours. Since, if you've read my journaling carefully, you would have noticed I also need and like to get inspired by others. Creating is a mutual process. That's why I encourage you to leave me comments, remarks, ideas either on Spiegelmom Scraps' blog, or on mine, my Facebook account or on Instagram....Sharing and communicating is so important for me!
Il est temps maintenant pour vous de découvrir les autres membres de cette scintillante équipe, et parmi elles, SaraScraps! N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez remporter un bon d'achat de $20 dans la boutique si vous êtes tiré(e)s au sort parmi tous les participants ayant laissé un commentaire sur chaque blog. Bonne chance!
It's now time for you to discover the other Sparklers, and amongst them, SaraScraps!Don't forget, There is a chance to win a $20 credit to the store. All you need to do is comment on all of the blogs involved in the hop. Fingers crossed!
Et si vous voulez vous laisser tenter par ces beaux produits, n'oubliez pas d'utiliser le code CHRISTINE15 pour obtenir 15% de remise sur l'ensemble de vos achats!
In case you can't resist the products in the shop, I've got good news for you. But using the CHRISTINE15 code, you'll get a 15% discount on your purchases!!!
A très vite, Biz - Love from France
Welcome to the team - so glad I get to work with you again x
RépondreSupprimerSo am I Laura! <3
SupprimerYes, welcome to the Sparklers! Beautiful layout with wonderful journaling!! I'm super excited to have you with us!!! Rock on Sparklers!
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot Jody! So excited to be part of your team!
SupprimerUne superbe page et encore bravo pour ta participation à cêtre nouvelle dt.
RépondreSupprimerTu vas convertir les copines avec ces produits au top !!
OUi, Delphine, j'espère bien car ils sont magnifiques!
SupprimerIt has been so fun to watch you grow in your scrapping! I love that layout! Your comfort with blogging has grown tremendously too! It's going to be a great year with SMS!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much Suzanna for your compliments!
SupprimerThis is a wonderful page and such a nice way to express why you are on a DT! Your style is beautiful! I'm so happy to be on the team with you!
RépondreSupprimerThank you Karla, I'm so happy to be in the same team as you as well
SupprimerGorgeous Layout!!! I love how it has no picture at all just words! I could fawn over this layout all day ;) Can't wait to see all the inspiring things you will create and get to know you more.
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot Hannah for your kind words. they mean a lot to me!
SupprimerAlways so inspiring and gorgeous! Love your work! So excited to be creating with you again!
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot Alison. So am I!
SupprimerJ'adore cette page Christine!!!!! :-))) Je suis super contente de partager cette nouvelle aventure avec toi!!!!!
RépondreSupprimerMerci Marie, moi aussi je suis ravie!
SupprimerThis is such a stunning layout! I love that it tells your story. Its beautiful and so personal. Thank you for sharing with us! I look forward to working with you this year!
RépondreSupprimerThanks Daisie, I'm excited about creating with you too!
SupprimerI especially love the personal feel to this layout. I love the added journaling and hearing your story on what makes you "you!"
RépondreSupprimerThank you Sammi for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. Really.
SupprimerWonderful layout, its like a giant journaling page, it turned out lovely cant wait to see what else you create!
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much Alysha!