Bonjour à tous, Hello Creatives!
This Scrappy Friday is about scraplifting a scrapper, who, once again is amonst my favorites, Shimelle.
Voici la page que j'ai choisie/ Here is the page I've chosen
Ce que j'ai tout particulièrement aimé, c'est le format de la photo et la cascade d'embellissements en verticale.
J'ai tout d'abord essayé de retrouver le même type de papier de fond, avec un imprimé d'écritures.
What I particularly liked about it was the large photo and the different embellishments from top to bottom.
I first tried to use the same kind of paper for my background, and of course decided to scrap a large photo as well.
Puis j'ai parsemé ma page d'embellissements divers, de haut en bas, notamment des embellissements feutre et liège de chez SpiegelMom Scraps.
Then, I splattered different kinds of embellishments from top to bottom, amongst them the cork stars and felt clouds from Spiegelmom Scraps shop.
Voici quelques aperçus / Here are some sneaks
Et vous? Avez vous déjà scrappé une grande photo? Aimez vous le faire?
A la semaine prochaine pour un prochain Scrappy Friday!
What about you? Have you ever scrapped a large picture? Do you like to do so?
See you next week for another Scrappy Friday!
Feel like buying some goodies? Use my code to get an immediate 15% discount code on every products in Spiegelmomscraps Shop! And remember, all cork and felt items will disappear from the shop so... If you like them, grab them before it's too late!
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