Bonjour à tous,Hi there!
Here I am, scraplifting Jen Schow this week! This is the page I've chosen:
Ce qui m'a particulièrement plu, c'est le clustering en milieu de page, associé à une cascade d'un même mot de haut en bas. Voici mon interprétation:
What I particularly liked about her page is the horizontal clustering in the middle on the page combined with the repetition of the same word on a vertical line.
Here is my page:
Et en voici des détails: J'ai utilisé de la texture paste (Gritty Graphite) de chez Shimmerz Paints....
And here are some details: I used the Gritty Graphite Texture Paste by Shimmerz Paints...
Les sequins Grenn Acres..... Some Green Acres sequins ....
Ainsi que des embellissements en feutre et liège.... ....Some felt and cork clouds
... Et comme toujours, divers tampons. ...And various stamps all over my page.
Je me suis vraiment amusée à faire ce scraplift! A très vite pour un nouveau Scrappy Friday!
I really enjoyed this scraplift!See you soon for another Scrappy Friday!
Feel like buying some goodies? Use my code to get an immediate 15% discount code on every products in Spiegelmomscraps Shop! And remember, all cork and felt items will disappear from the shop so... If you like them, grab them before it's too late!
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