Bonjour à tous, Hello there!
Holidays are over, it's time to start a new school year.... Something I've never stopped doing since I am a teacher. That's why I decided to document on that particular time of the year.
I've always loved going back to school whether as a pupil or as a teacher.......
Time for a new start, new resolutions, when everything is still possible....
Pour cette rentrée 2017, comme toujours, j'ai en tête bien des objectifs et des envies. Sur le plan créatif, je viens de me lancer dans une toute nouvelle aventure, celle du Bullet Journal. Je compte ainsi devenir organisée (LOL), me fixer des objectifs, et ainsi combiner mon amour du scrapbooking avec celui des mots. Parce que même si le Bullet Journal n'est pas du scrapbooking à proprement parler, je compte bien utiliser mon stock d'embellissements, mes pochoirs et autres tampons favoris....
For this new school year, like usual, I have lots and lots of goals and objectives.
As far as creativity is concerned, I'm starting a Bullet Journal, in order to get organised, set goals and combine my love of words and writing with scrapbooking.
Indeed, even though a bullet journal is not really connected to scrapbooking, I intend to use some of my old stash as well as my favorite stamps in it...
To make this page, I used the Love This Perxpective and the Story from Today Flair, which is part of the Chit Chat #1 pack.
Pour réaliser cette page, j'ai utilisé l'un de mes perspextives préférés : le Perspextive Love This et le badge Story from Today, qui fait partie du pack Chit Chat #1.
A très vite, biz.
What about you? What do you like documenting?
Love from France.
This is beautiful! I love all the amazing details you added! Wishing you a very happy back to school!
RépondreSupprimerThanks a lot Karla!
SupprimerBeautiful simply beautiful
RépondreSupprimerThank you so much Christy!